Friday, August 21, 2020

This one goes out to the parent

This one goes out to the parent DID YOU KNOW? The city of Portland, Oregon was named for Portland, Maine. What a coincidence that Matts entry on thanking parents came on Sams Moms birthday! Happy birthday, Sams Mom! Anyway, you may have seen the MIT homepage today when you were like, ARRRRRGHUS!! I NEED TO KNOW IF I GOT IN TO MIT!! MAYBE THEY SPONTANEOUSLY DECIDED TO POST THEIR ADMISSION DECISIONS AT 10:37 PM TODAY! URAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! In doing so, you may have noticed that it was advertising the MIT Coal Study, an interdisciplinary work prepared by some of MITs most noted energy professors detailing the future of fossil fuels in the United States. Although renewable fuels and turkey carcasses are awesome and everything, considering that like 3% of our current energy comes from renewable sources, to be honest, we arent going to satisfy the 10^18 Joules per year that the US needs in a sustainable fashion anytime soon. So, until we get a big sustainable infrastructure in place, coalwith carbon sequestration in placemight not be a bad transitional solution. But speaking of sustainable energy, I just found out that [emailprotected], a student group started by Joe 08 and eventually joined by just about everybody Ive ever met, just won a $25,000 grant from MTVU and GE. Seriously! $25,000! Won by somebody whose house I have been inside! ARGH! All Ive been doing tonight is sitting in my room listening to Ween, meanwhile Joe 08 won $25,000 to save MIT. So I got this e-mail this morning from my 10.491: Integrated Chemical Engineering II professor, Dr. Gregory take your hands off the keyboard McRae. Dear 10.491 ICE Students: Yesterday in Washington we released the MIT Future of Coal report there was a lot of interest in the findings and especially the involvement of Course 10 ICE students. I will present a summary of the findings in class on Monday. In the mean time your can see the report itself at (See todays MIT spash page and in particular look at the Acknowledgements Section. You may also recognize the table of numbers in Box 1 of the Executive Summary they were derived from your answers to Homework problem number 1) or just a few of the press articles at I will see you in class on Monday, have a good weekend and remember the final report is due very soon!! Cheers Greg Last years senior class had the opportunity to contribute to this report with their 10.491 projects. We, on the other hand, are still contributing to the future of coal research at MIT, because Professor McRae is kind of a big deal. But what have I contributed? Oh, basically nothing, I feel like! Ive been on grad school visits for the past 3 weeks, which are basically like CPW except with even more free stuff and free airfare, and swanky hotel rooms instead of the floor in my dorm room. Thanks to my visit to California last weekend, I now have sunburn to the point where my skin is peeling off, and its 30 degrees outside. Its surreal. I think my group would beat my face, if they werent all really nice girls who live in Next House. Anyway, the moral of the entry is that you shouldnt pick a Calfiornia school over MIT, because you will probably get sunburn and die. I had this rule that I would write a blog entry before I would allow myself to play Super Smash Bros. Melee tonight, but I think I should change that to write like 10 pages of our final report before I write a blog entry, before I play Super Smash Bros. Melee. Also, this entry will be updated by tomorrow morning. I promise!

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